A few weeks ago, someone told me about the Common Knowledge feature of Library Thing. The statistics and basic information can be found through a link at the bottom of any page. Currently there are over 869,540 facts that have been entered. How do they get there? We add them!
It took me a while to figure out that you enter them from the book or author page. When you have a book or author page pulled up, if you look at the left hand side, there are a bunch of links you can choose from. One of them is Common Knowledge. If you click the link, it will bring up a section where you can add facts.
Have you ever looked at the Common Knowledge page, or viewed the history of changes/additions? If you were aware of this section, have you added any information? Do you find this information useful or interesting?
I love Common Knowledge, I've been adding details for months on and off. Mostly I add series information, dates of publication and if I really get into the swing of it I add characters and locations. I find the whole thing extremely interesting.
However, there's always an however with me, the thing that annoys is people will come along and add something without looking at what others have added previously, so you can get conflicting info. I think some LTrs don't realise that Common Knowledge is site wide rather than being just for their personal library.
I don't use LT very much but this sounds interesting... I'm going to go look for it now :)
Glad to be of service! Actually LT is usually my first stop for book stuff more so than amazon these days, unless I'm intending to buy a book I know all about of course.